MacOS is awesome for command line stuff, that’s why real Java programmers love it. But some of the defaults Apple have used make me sad. Where are all the colors? I demand my ls command be pretty and colorful!

Why is Vim so bland?

I have seen several options on the web on how to adjust colors but some, albeit very good ones, make me uncomfortable with the type of installations that have to be performed in order to enable these themes.

As i know the basic color profile on my Late 2013 iMac's display on macOS is a lil bit different in comparison with the basic Windows' sRGB IEC61966-2.1. I copied my default macOS'.icc to dropbox and now i simply can`t figure out how to apply this profile on Windows correctly. You can change the accent colors used in MacOS to better customize the appearance scheme to suit your individual preferences. Accent colors impact the highlight color of menu items, files in the finder, buttons, and other interface elements, and you can pick from blue (the default), purple, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, or gray.

Although you may be able to run OS 8 or 9 on your old Mac, you’ll generally find better performance using Mac OS 7.6. A history of the Color Classic, Tom Hormby, Orchard, 2005.10.31. The first all-in-one Mac with a color display had a bold new look but was crippled on the inside.

So, after some digging and reading man pages on terminal coloring and ls I found a super-simple solution for decent terminal coloring.

If you have below questions then you are at right place:

  • Simple Tricks to Improve the Terminal Appearance
  • how do you change mac terminal theme
  • mac terminal color ls
  • change terminal color linux
  • Customize the colors of your Terminal in MacOS
  • Customizing the Terminal

Let’s get started.



Open Terminal Window. You should see the color scheme like this:


Command: $ vi ~/.bash_profile and Enter Below lines and save file.

export CLICOLOR=1
export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
Colour. mac os download


Command: $ source ~/.bash_profile to initialize profile in current window.

You should see color now:

  • CLICOLOR=1 simply enables coloring of your terminal.
  • LSCOLORS=… specifies how to color specific items.


Add some more coloring. Keep previously added lines and add these extra lines. This gives you a nice colored prompt.

PS1='[e[0;33m]u[e[0m]@[e[0;32m]h[e[0m]:[e[0;34m]w[e[0m]$ '

And you should see color for username and command line prompt:


  1. Open terminal window
  2. Click on Terminal Menu
  3. Click on Preference
  4. Modify profile as per below image
  5. Select profile for
    • On startup, open:
    • New windows open with
    • New tabs open with

Colour. Mac Os Download

I hope this helps you change terminal window colors easily.

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