Joe's Wrath (itch) Mac OS

Haque is available on PC, Mac (32-bit only), and Linux. Haque was successfully funded on Kickstarter in October of 2015 and developed by a small team at SuperTry Studios: Music by Joe Kenneally Additional graphics by Brian Townsend.

Editor’s note: Kibi Games caught our attention because they tried something new. Most KaiOS developers build their apps to fit the full screen of a smart feature phone (240×320). They then monetize through ads that either take up the full screen or appear as rolling banners.

Joe's Wrath (itch) Mac Os Update

  • Mac tracker is a free downloadable program that can tell you which OS any particular machine is capable of running. Mac OS 10.8.0 can be found on eBay. I removed 10.8.3 from my internal hard drive and presently have it installed on a fast 32GB SD Card for convenience.
  • VOTE FOR OUR GAME BY LIKING IT ON FACEBOOK HERE! Made by Team lolrsk8s at the DBS Digital Game Jam 2015. The theme was 'The Bulls and the Bears'. You're a new bunny at the office, and your boss has tasked you with collecting delicious Bearries to.
  • This game truly shows - never underestimate your mom's wrath for being a slob! And while you're at it add a Mac OS release too. Windows is not the only platform for gaming. I do love the art style and game's graphics. View all.

Kibi Cross takes up 80% of the screen and has a rolling banner ad running the whole time. Because of this, it has gained a good number of ad impressions. Also, if you restart the app, you have to see the ad again, which has helped increase the clickthrough rate.

Learn more about Kibi Games, Kibi Cross, and strategies for creating successful mobile games below.

Who’s behind Kibi Games?

Kibi Games is Mala, the designer; Pn, the artist; and me, the programmer. We are all Taiwanese and based in Taipei. We’ve been making games for over ten years.

What’s the story of Kibi Games? Who started it, when, and how?

We’ve known each other for years and worked together in different companies. Three years ago, we teamed up for Adventure Jam, which challenges you to build an adventure game in two weeks. After Adventure Jam, we kept on making games.

What’s a day at Kibi Games like? Do you have an office?

It’s usually pretty busy. We share an office with friends, so besides working on our projects, we sometimes help them with theirs.

Do you work exclusively with mobile games?

We don’t like to limit our platform options. Our primary project right now is on PC. We’ve built web games and console games. We’ve built for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, PS3, and Nintendo Switch. If a platform is appropriate for a game, we’ll give it a try.

What made you decide to build on KaiOS?

We were choosing side projects to work on to increase our visibility and maybe even our revenue. Since we’re a small team, there’s always one primary project we’re all working on together. We don’t have a lot of energy or resources left to dedicate to other large projects. We’d heard about KaiOS and smart feature phones, about how they have small screens and limited performance. We figured that these limitations would help us create games. Since we wouldn’t need to invest a huge effort to build one, we decided to give it a go.

Did you face any challenges? Which?

We build 2D games with GameMaker Studio, a game engine that exports html5 builds via its web module. We couldn’t find any articles or posts about developing for KaiOS with GameMaker, so any issues or questions we had about HTML5 and KaiOS, we had to sort out ourselves.

How did you get the idea to build Kibi Cross?

After we launched our first KaiOS game, Treasures Of Pirates, we got helpful analytics and feedback. We realized it was better to create static games, like puzzles, and that they needed to be fun, playful, and kind of addictive. That’s why we chose the nonogram as a core gameplay to create Kibi Cross.

Kibi Cross is pretty popular right now…

Since it was published on December 17, 2019, it’s gotten around 6 million impressions and 13,000 ad clicks.

Why do you think it’s so popular?

I think the gameplay of the nonogram is very solid, like 2048 and Tetris. It’s challenging and fun. We added many levels to it, too – there are about 300. And there’s the “World’s Best” mode, where players submit their scores to our global leaderboard to compete with one another. All of this makes the game more enjoyable to play.

How do you promote Kibi Cross?

We self-promote like this: all our games read a JSON file we put on our website. When we have a new game out in the KaiStore, a “News” button appears in the title of our games, and players can get more info and images. (More on their strategy below.)

What advice do you have for developers wanting to build apps on KaiOS, especially games?

We suggest going to the KaiOS Webstore to check out all apps in the category you’re going for and exploring similar apps. This will help you create something special. If possible, get a 256MB KaiOS device. The QA team reported that there are issues that only happen on 256MB KaiOS devices. If you can’t get one, you’ll have a little trouble debugging. That’s our case, since we can only buy the Nokia 8110 4G (512 MB) here.

What are you launching next?

Joe's Wrath (itch) Mac Os Catalina

The project we’re working on now is called Mountain’s Spirit. It’s a PC game inspired by the Taiwan Black Bear. Our goal is to complete and launch it this year. We’re also sketching our 3rd KaiOS game project.

Interested in building your own KaiOS apps? Head on over to the Developer Portal to get started, or get in touch with Asis at for any questions you might have.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our “Developer Updates” to get the latest news on development in the KaiStore.

'This game is torture'
★★★★★ cpiod

foodlab, the ultimate physics-based food photography simulator, has finally come! the best thing that happened to the world since sliced bread! the newest trend in gastrophotography*checks encyclopedia* photography!

  • play with your food with no regrets!
  • 50+ food items and kitchen paraphernalia!
  • slow food, fast food, average speed food, we have it all!
  • ultra HD high quality 3D graphics extra raytracing!
  • combine foods together to create new ones, like white chocolate, chocolate cookies, or cheese pizza!
  • unique physics-based intuitive gameplay!
  • build the ultimate pancake tower!
  • prepare a delicious looking dish in 5 unique settings!
  • are you on a diet? no calories included then!*
  • chill hifi beats! sit back and relax!

*clears throat*

foodlab is a project that I've been tirelessly cooking up for the last month. what started during PROCJAM 2019 as an attempt at an idea that I had for a long time, sucked me in for three more weeks and turned into this lovely little game thing that I present to you today.

the original idea was to make a thing that allows for combining food items to create new ones. as I was making this project I realized that even with pre-made assets, it's alot more effort than I imagined. also, it's nice to have something more than just the system itself.

so this is a prototype of sorts, to test the water (it's boiling (ouch)). all feedback is welcome. if there's a thing you don't like, or a bug you encounter, let me know in the comments! I'll be more than happy to read what's on your mind. I like reading minds.

and feel welcome to share any photos you take! I can't wait what to see what all of you daredevils come up with. if you're doing Twitter, remember to use the hashtag #foodlabthegame — I checked it, it's available, and now it's ours.



  • 3D models by and Kenney
  • icons made by Freepik, from
  • font Varela Round made by Joe Prince & Avraham Cornfeld
  • songs (all licensed under a Creative Commons Atribution Noncommercial (3.0) license):
    • Never alone with a glass by maplesnow
    • Shell Voices by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) ft. Javolenus
    • Hidden Grooves by J.Lang ft. Stefan Kartenberg & Nickolas Nikolic
  • additional textures from CC0Textures and Pexels
  • testing by Jordi Ros, knh190 and tizilogic
  • Unity Technologies for creating the amazing piece of software that is Unity ♥️
  • programming, sounds, etc, etc, all that jazz — me.


warning: may require a high-end compuper. not sure. but I have a feeling. be warned.

* playing with foodlab may cause an increase in appetite, body fat percentage and an occasional 'awww now I'm hungry' reaction. not supported by research. don't sue me.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorMatthias Scherba
Tagsaesthetic, Food, photography, PROCJAM, Unity

Install instructions

! skip this if you don't use a mac !

are you downloading the Mac OS X version?

if you get an error like this:

it's because I don't own a mac. sorry! it's safe though. just open it by right clicking/command clicking/control clicking/secondary clicking. yes, I said I don't own a mac.

if you're still having trouble, or need more information about this, follow >this< link.


Development log

  • update 1.1.2! 🚨
    Dec 13, 2019
  • day 0 dlc— I mean free update
    Dec 03, 2019

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If you skip the tutorial you can figure it out on your own, but if you can't you'll question your worth as an adult.

awww now I'm hungry :(

I feel like a grand chef who is also a photographer and yet only eat junk food.

In which game can you make a cherry made of cherries? #foodlabthegame

there is no other, there will be no other

foodlab foodlab foodlab